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Grilling event with Oysterking

Join us for our barbecue evening every Wednesday and Saturday during the summer holidays, where Oyster King himself will grill his famous and exquisite flamed salmon, as well as the delicious Højer sausages. In addition, there will be grilled greens, Pia's grandmother's potato salad and the local bread What else will come on the grill that night will be different from time to time. It can be anything from lamb sausages, oysters to cheeses to Rømø shrimp, etc. It is updated continuously...

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About Visit Rømø & Tønder

On Rømø you will find the North Sea, on the mainland the Wadden Sea and Marsken, further east you will find small cozy towns in South Jutland.

Visit Rømø & TønderJuvrevej 66792 Rømø 73 70 96 50
© 2024 Visit Rømø & Tønder
From DKK 198/guest
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From DKK 198/guest