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Taste of the Marshes 2024 - Meal Ticket

Taste of the Marshes 2024 - Menu of the Year by Chef Steffen Snitgaard

We are delighted to present this year's amazing menu for Taste of the Marsh 2024, created by the talented Chef Steffen Snitgaard!

**Main course: ** Braised marsh lamb with lamb cloud.
Steffen has prepared the juiciest marsh lamb that has been long-simmered so that it melts on the tongue. The lamb is served with a delicious lamb cloud made from the finest local ingredients, providing an unrivalled taste experience.

**Accessory: ** Local vegetables and parsley puree.
To complete this sublime dish, Steffen has selected the freshest local vegetables, carefully selected to compliment the tender lamb. As the icing on the cake, the vegetables are served with a silky parsley puree that adds an extra dimension of flavor to the dish.

Crispy Smoked Shrimp Chips
Steffen has surprised us with a unique and creative idea for accessories. He has created crispy Smoked Oyster Chips that provide a delicious crunch and an interesting contrast to the tender lamb.

The price for this extravagant taste experience is only $189 per envelope!
We only have 150 envelopes available, the first 100 of which can be pre-ordered here. Good idea!
The last 50 pieces can be purchased at the square on the day itself, so be sure to reserve your place well in advance so as not to miss this unforgettable taste experience. Meals are served between 13:00 and 15:00.

Join us on a culinary journey and experience Steffen Snitgaard's culinary masterpiece for Taste of the Marsh 2024 on September 21. We guarantee that it will be a day filled with delicious flavors and gastronomic surprises.

What is included
  • Main course
  • Accessories
  • Crispy shrimp chips
  • narration about the food from the cook himself.
Practical information

Note that you buy food for a specific period of time, and only during that time you can receive your food.

Buy a gift cardGive someone you care about an experience they'll never forget.
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About Visit Rømø & Tønder

On Rømø you will find the North Sea, on the mainland the Wadden Sea and Marsken, further east you will find small cozy towns in South Jutland.

Visit Rømø & TønderJuvrevej 66792 Rømø 73 70 96 50
© 2024 Visit Rømø & Tønder
From DKK 189/guest
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From DKK 189/guest