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Summer tour in Tønder with guide

Join us on a fascinating tour through historic Tønder, where art and cultural heritage meet in the most beautiful way. The guided tour starts in Skulpturhaven, a focal point for contemporary art and a proud part of Tønder's cultural heritage. Here, a number of impressive sculptures are presented, telling stories of both the past and the present.

After being inspired in the Sculpture Garden, we continue to Tønder Kunstmuseum. Here awaits an atmospheric lunch in the Museum Café.

The highlight of the tour is the guided tour of the Water Tower, where we experience an exhibition dedicated to Wegner, one of Denmark's most famous furniture architects. Wegner's works are known worldwide for their simple elegance and functionality, and in the Water Tower we can admire a special collection that showcases Wegner's ingenious craftsmanship and design.

What is included
  • Tour through the Sculpture Garden
  • leaflet about the sculpture garden
  • Lunch in the musuemscafe
  • access to the Wegner exhibition in the Water Tower
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About Visit Rømø & Tønder

On Rømø you will find the North Sea, on the mainland the Wadden Sea and Marsken, further east you will find small cozy towns in South Jutland.

Visit Rømø & TønderJuvrevej 66792 Rømø 73 70 96 50
© 2024 Visit Rømø & Tønder
From DKK 175/guest
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From DKK 175/guest